Customer Testimonials

about our Preventative Maintenance (PM) services

Everything has been amazing thus far. Thank you amazing team hands down.

Abbey Carpet, CA

Johnny was helpful, insightful, respectful, and positive throughout the service. Gave helpful tips on keeping my machine in good condition in between regular services.

Standard Paint, WA

Derek called ahead of time to let us know he was coming and that he may be late. I appreciated that phone call. He ended being on time. Fantastic guy you have working for your company.

Yancy’s House of Carpet, IN

Johnny always goes above and beyond

Imperial Wholesale, AZ

The tech was very helpful, he answered all questions and took care of the carpet cutting machine. Our warehouse associate wanted to make sure we give him a good review, he is the one who use the machine the most and he is very happy.

Interior Logic Group, CA

Derek is ALWAYS pleasant, professional, efficient and thorough. He is a great asset to your company!

A American Floor, CT

He is great always does good work (Derek)

Flooring Environment, NY

Chet was very personable and completed every task I asked of him. Nice guy!

Sherwin Williams #7386, TX

Chester worked quite quickly and efficiently to provide our routine maintenance on our machine. Great personality and very friendly.

Hertaus Floors, MN

Johnny saved us time and money with a simple reset instead of replacing an expensive part.

Division 9 Flooring, WA

Chris is always very friendly and professional. He does an outstanding job every single time. 

Carpet South Design, NC

We really enjoy Chris. He is very knowledgeable and professional.

Howard Young Flooring, FL

Derek is always professional when he comes here to service the machine

AJ Rose, MA

Very professional Tech and hopefully when the next time we are up for service Chris is available.

Taylor Carpet One, FL

Chet is great to work with. He’s always upbeat & positive.

Swiff Train, TX

Johnny was great, he was on time and took the time to inspect the cutting machine for any and all possible issues that may arrive and took preemptive measures to ensure issues will not arise at later date. He was great.

Global Syn Turf, AZ

Johnny was a great representation of your company, his knowledge about the equipment was first rate and answered all of our questions. Definitely need to give lots of kudos to Johnny for the great customer service.

Cost Less Carpet, WA

We appreciate the honesty of the Tech (Chet)

Galaxie Floor Stores, MN

Excellent service, he really knows what he’s doing. (Chris)

RMI Raleigh, NC

Derek was very helpful, came in and did all the service needed and was able to answer some additional questions I had about the machines performance and maintenance.

Creative Solutions 4 LLC, WI

Chris is always on time and does a great job

House of Floors, FL

Always a pleasure working with Chris. He is awesome at what he does and is an asset to your company!

Shelley Carpets, FL

Always a pleasure working with your company, even showed new employees how to use it (Chet)

99 Cent Floor Store, TX

Chris was an exceptional example of great service and customer experience.

Brumark, GA

Submit your Testimonial

about our Preventative Maintenance (PM) services